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- *************************************************************************
- * 2dbumpmapping by SCENile^sPANK! in 1996 *
- * Released 14/08/97 *
- * C2P by ? (can't remember..) *
- * *
- * If u use diz one in a demo, greet sPANK! *
- * *
- * Not very systemfriendly or anything... *
- * *
- * Anyway, the lightsource is 256*256 bytes, *
- * the bumpmap 320x200 bytes! *
- * *
- * If u don't have the includes, get them! :) *
- *************************************************************************
- * Mail me for comments, sourceswapping, etc at: *
- * scenile@hotmail.com ! *
- **************************************************************************
- section main,code
- **************************************************************************
- incdir 'include:'
- include 'exec/exec_lib.i'
- include 'hardware/CustomRegisters.i'
- include 'graphics/graphics_lib.i'
- **************************************************************************
- _AbsExecBase EQU 4
- LOFlist EQU $32
- planesize EQU 40*256
- planes EQU 8
- chunkyplanesize EQU XSIZE*YSIZE
- bmapsize EQU XSIZE*YSIZE
- **************************************************************************
- bsr getmem
- **************************************************************************
- move.w #$0020,dmacon+_custom ;Sprite DMA off
- move.l _AbsExecBase,a6 ;
- jsr _LVOForbid(a6) ;Stäng av multitaskingen..
- lea.l graphics_name,a1 ;Get GFX libbet
- moveq #0,d0 ;
- jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6) ;
- move.l d0,_GfxBase ;
- **************************************************************************
- bsr initcopscreen
- bsr fixlsource ;Adjust brightness
- bsr calcnormals ;Duh !
- **************************************************************************
- mainloop: bsr dobump
- move.l chunky,a0
- move.l screen,a1
- bsr c2p
- btst #6,$bfe001
- bne.w mainloop
- **************************************************************************
- endnormally: bsr uninitcopscreen
- move.l _AbsExecBase,a6 ;
- move.l _GfxBase,a1 ;
- jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6) ;
- jsr _LVOPermit(a6) ;Sätt på multitaskingen..
- bsr freemem
- exit: moveq #0,d0
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- fixlsource: lea.l lightsrc,a0
- move.w #256*256-1,d0
- .fixloop: move.b (a0),d1
- lsl.b #1,d1
- move.b d1,(a0)+
- dbf d0,.fixloop
- rts
- *************************************************************************
- * Bump on man! *
- *************************************************************************
- dobump: move.l chunky,a0 ;Screen to plot on
- move.l normals,a1 ;Bump offsets
- lea.l lightsrc,a2
- *************************************************************************
- moveq #0,d1 ;För att använda longwords i lightsrc
- move.w joy0dat+_custom,d2 ;Läs mus..
- *************************************************************************
- move.w #((XSIZE*YSIZE)/5)-1,d0
- .bumploop: move.w (a1)+,d1 ;NormalX
- add.w d2,d1
- move.b (a2,d1.l),(a0)+ ;Plotta
- move.w (a1)+,d1 ;NormalX
- add.w d2,d1
- move.b (a2,d1.l),(a0)+ ;Plotta
- move.w (a1)+,d1 ;NormalX
- add.w d2,d1
- move.b (a2,d1.l),(a0)+ ;Plotta
- move.w (a1)+,d1 ;NormalX
- add.w d2,d1
- move.b (a2,d1.l),(a0)+ ;Plotta
- move.w (a1)+,d1 ;NormalX
- add.w d2,d1
- move.b (a2,d1.l),(a0)+ ;Plotta
- dbf d0,.bumploop ;Xloop
- *************************************************************************
- rts
- *************************************************************************
- * Räkna ut normalerna för bmappen *
- *************************************************************************
- calcnormals: lea.l bmap,a0
- move.l normals,a1
- move.w #YSIZE-1,d1
- .calcyloop: move.w #XSIZE-1,d0
- .calcxloop: move.b XSIZE-1(a0),d2 ;Optimerat som fan ...
- sub.b (a0)+,d2 ;
- move.b XSIZE(a0),d3 ;
- sub.b -1(a0),d3 ;
- add.w d1,d2 ;addar x värdet
- lsl.w #8,d2 ;Korrekt plotoffset i bumploop
- add.w d0,d2 ;addar y värdet
- add.w d3,d2
- move.w d2,(a1)+ ;Både y o x normaler i tabben
- dbf d0,.calcxloop ;xloop
- dbf d1,.calcyloop ;yloop
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- initcopscreen: lea.l b_planes,a0
- move.l screen,d0
- moveq #planes-1,d1
- init_cop: move.w d0,6(a0) ;install bit plane pointers
- swap d0
- move.w d0,2(a0)
- swap d0
- add.l #chunkyplanesize/8,d0
- add.w #8,a0
- dbf d1,init_cop
- move.l _GfxBase,a6
- move.w #$80,dmacon+_custom ;copper DMA off
- move.l LOFlist(a6),old_cop ;save existing copper list
- move.l #copperlist,LOFlist(a6) ;install new list
- move.w #$8080,dmacon+_custom ;copper dma on
- rts
- *************************************************************************
- uninitcopscreen:move.l _GfxBase,a6
- move.w #$80,dmacon+_custom ;copper dma off
- move.w #$81a0,dmacon+_custom ;Sätt på sprite dma M.M.
- move.l old_cop,LOFlist(a6) ;Install old list
- move.w #$8080,dmacon+_custom ;copper dma on
- move.w #32,beamcon0+_custom ;Switcha till PAL!
- rts
- *************************************************************************
- getmem: move.l _AbsExecBase,a6 ;FreeMem()
- move.l #planesize*planes,d0 ;AllocMem()
- move.l #MEMF_CHIP+MEMF_CLEAR,d1;
- jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6) ;
- move.l d0,screen ;
- move.l #chunkyplanesize,d0 ;AllocMem()
- move.l #MEMF_FAST+MEMF_CLEAR,d1;
- jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6) ;
- move.l d0,chunky ;
- move.l #bmapsize*2,d0 ;Holds both X and Y normals
- move.l #MEMF_FAST+MEMF_CLEAR,d1;
- jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6) ;
- move.l d0,normals ;
- rts
- ***************************************************************************
- freemem: move.l _AbsExecBase,a6 ;FreeMem()
- move.l screen,a1 ;
- move.l #planesize*planes,d0 ;
- jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6) ;
- move.l chunky,a1 ;
- move.l #chunkyplanesize,d0 ;
- jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6) ;
- move.l normals,a1 ;
- move.l #bmapsize*2,d0 ;Holds both X and Y normals
- jsr _LVOFreeMem(a6) ;
- rts
- ***************************************************************************
- WIDTH EQU 320 ; MUST be multiple of 32
- plsiz EQU (WIDTH/8)*HEIGHT
- cnop 0,4
- c2p: movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
- move.l a0,a2
- add.l #plsiz*8,a2 ;a2 = end of chunky buffer
- ;; Sweep thru the whole chunky data once,
- ;; Performing 3 merge operations on it.
- move.l #$00ff00ff,a3 ; load byte merge mask
- move.l #$0f0f0f0f,a4 ; load nibble merge mask
- firstsweep: movem.l (a0),d0-d7 ;8+4n 40 cycles
- move.l d4,a6 a6 = CD
- move.w d0,d4 d4 = CB
- swap d4 d4 = BC
- move.w d4,d0 d0 = AC
- move.w a6,d4 d4 = BD
- move.l d5,a6 a6 = CD
- move.w d1,d5 d5 = CB
- swap d5 d5 = BC
- move.w d5,d1 d1 = AC
- move.w a6,d5 d5 = BD
- move.l d6,a6 a6 = CD
- move.w d2,d6 d6 = CB
- swap d6 d6 = BC
- move.w d6,d2 d2 = AC
- move.w a6,d6 d6 = BD
- move.l d7,a6 a6 = CD
- move.w d3,d7 d7 = CB
- swap d7 d7 = BC
- move.w d7,d3 d3 = AC
- move.w a6,d7 d7 = BD
- move.l d7,a6
- move.l d6,a5
- move.l a3,d6 ; d6 = 0x0x
- move.l a3,d7 ; d7 = 0x0x
- and.l d0,d6 ; d6 = 0b0r
- and.l d2,d7 ; d7 = 0j0z
- eor.l d6,d0 ; d0 = a0q0
- eor.l d7,d2 ; d2 = i0y0
- lsl.l #8,d6 ; d6 = b0r0
- lsr.l #8,d2 ; d2 = 0i0y
- or.l d2,d0 ; d0 = aiqy
- or.l d7,d6 ; d2 = bjrz
- move.l a3,d7 ; d7 = 0x0x
- move.l a3,d2 ; d2 = 0x0x
- and.l d1,d7 ; d7 = 0b0r
- and.l d3,d2 ; d2 = 0j0z
- eor.l d7,d1 ; d1 = a0q0
- eor.l d2,d3 ; d3 = i0y0
- lsl.l #8,d7 ; d7 = b0r0
- lsr.l #8,d3 ; d3 = 0i0y
- or.l d3,d1 ; d1 = aiqy
- or.l d2,d7 ; d3 = bjrz
- move.l a4,d2 ; d2 = 0x0x
- move.l a4,d3 ; d3 = 0x0x
- and.l d0,d2 ; d2 = 0b0r
- and.l d1,d3 ; d3 = 0j0z
- eor.l d2,d0 ; d0 = a0q0
- eor.l d3,d1 ; d1 = i0y0
- lsr.l #4,d1 ; d1 = 0i0y
- or.l d1,d0 ; d0 = aiqy
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- lsl.l #4,d2
- or.l d3,d2 ; d1 = bjrz
- move.l d2,(a0)+
- move.l a4,d3 ; d3 = 0x0x
- move.l a4,d1 ; d1 = 0x0x
- and.l d6,d3 ; d3 = 0b0r
- and.l d7,d1 ; d1 = 0j0z
- eor.l d3,d6 ; d6 = a0q0
- eor.l d1,d7 ; d7 = i0y0
- lsr.l #4,d7 ; d7 = 0i0y
- or.l d7,d6 ; d6 = aiqy
- move.l d6,(a0)+
- lsl.l #4,d3
- or.l d1,d3 ; d7 = bjrz
- move.l d3,(a0)+
- move.l a6,d7
- move.l a5,d6
- move.l a3,d0 ; d0 = 0x0x
- move.l a3,d1 ; d1 = 0x0x
- and.l d4,d0 ; d0 = 0b0r
- and.l d6,d1 ; d1 = 0j0z
- eor.l d0,d4 ; d4 = a0q0
- eor.l d1,d6 ; d6 = i0y0
- lsl.l #8,d0 ; d0 = b0r0
- lsr.l #8,d6 ; d6 = 0i0y
- or.l d6,d4 ; d4 = aiqy
- or.l d1,d0 ; d6 = bjrz
- move.l a3,d1 ; d1 = 0x0x
- move.l a3,d6 ; d6 = 0x0x
- and.l d5,d1 ; d1 = 0b0r
- and.l d7,d6 ; d6 = 0j0z
- eor.l d1,d5 ; d5 = a0q0
- eor.l d6,d7 ; d7 = i0y0
- lsl.l #8,d1 ; d1 = b0r0
- lsr.l #8,d7 ; d7 = 0i0y
- or.l d7,d5 ; d5 = aiqy
- or.l d6,d1 ; d7 = bjrz
- move.l a4,d6 ; d6 = 0x0x
- move.l a4,d7 ; d7 = 0x0x
- and.l d4,d6 ; d6 = 0b0r
- and.l d5,d7 ; d7 = 0j0z
- eor.l d6,d4 ; d4 = a0q0
- eor.l d7,d5 ; d5 = i0y0
- lsr.l #4,d5 ; d5 = 0i0y
- or.l d5,d4 ; d4 = aiqy
- move.l d4,(a0)+
- lsl.l #4,d6 ; d6 = b0r0
- or.l d7,d6 ; d5 = bjrz
- move.l d6,(a0)+
- move.l a4,d7 ; d7 = 0x0x
- move.l a4,d5 ; d5 = 0x0x
- and.l d0,d7 ; d7 = 0b0r
- and.l d1,d5 ; d5 = 0j0z
- eor.l d7,d0 ; d0 = a0q0
- eor.l d5,d1 ; d1 = i0y0
- lsr.l #4,d1 ; d1 = 0i0y
- or.l d1,d0 ; d0 = aiqy
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- lsl.l #4,d7 ; d7 = b0r0
- or.l d5,d7 ; d1 = bjrz
- move.l d7,(a0)+
- cmp.l a0,a2 ;; 4c
- bne.w firstsweep ;; 6c
- sub.l #plsiz*8,a0
- move.l #$33333333,a5
- move.l #$55555555,a6
- lea plsiz*4(a1),a1 ;a2 = plane4
- secondsweep: move.l (a0),d0
- move.l 8(a0),d1
- move.l 16(a0),d2
- move.l 24(a0),d3
- move.l a5,d6 ; d6 = 0x0x
- move.l a5,d7 ; d7 = 0x0x
- and.l d0,d6 ; d6 = 0b0r
- and.l d2,d7 ; d7 = 0j0z
- eor.l d6,d0 ; d0 = a0q0
- eor.l d7,d2 ; d2 = i0y0
- lsl.l #2,d6 ; d6 = b0r0
- lsr.l #2,d2 ; d2 = 0i0y
- or.l d2,d0 ; d0 = aiqy
- or.l d7,d6 ; d2 = bjrz
- move.l a5,d7 ; d7 = 0x0x
- move.l a5,d2 ; d2 = 0x0x
- and.l d1,d7 ; d7 = 0b0r
- and.l d3,d2 ; d2 = 0j0z
- eor.l d7,d1 ; d1 = a0q0
- eor.l d2,d3 ; d3 = i0y0
- lsl.l #2,d7 ; d7 = b0r0
- lsr.l #2,d3 ; d3 = 0i0y
- or.l d3,d1 ; d1 = aiqy
- or.l d2,d7 ; d3 = bjrz
- move.l a6,d2 ; d2 = 0x0x
- move.l a6,d3 ; d3 = 0x0x
- and.l d0,d2 ; d2 = 0b0r
- and.l d1,d3 ; d3 = 0j0z
- eor.l d2,d0 ; d0 = a0q0
- eor.l d3,d1 ; d1 = i0y0
- lsr.l #1,d1 ; d1 = 0i0y
- or.l d1,d0 ; d0 = aiqy
- move.l d0,plsiz*3(a1)
- add.l d2,d2
- or.l d3,d2 ; d1 = bjrz
- move.l d2,plsiz*2(a1)
- move.l a6,d3 ; d3 = 0x0x
- move.l a6,d1 ; d1 = 0x0x
- and.l d6,d3 ; d3 = 0b0r
- and.l d7,d1 ; d1 = 0j0z
- eor.l d3,d6 ; d6 = a0q0
- eor.l d1,d7 ; d7 = i0y0
- lsr.l #1,d7 ; d7 = 0i0y
- or.l d7,d6 ; d6 = aiqy
- move.l d6,plsiz*1(a1)
- add.l d3,d3
- or.l d1,d3 ; d7 = bjrz
- move.l d3,(a1)+
- move.l 4(a0),d0
- move.l 12(a0),d1
- move.l 20(a0),d2
- move.l 28(a0),d3
- move.l a5,d6 ; d6 = 0x0x
- move.l a5,d7 ; d7 = 0x0x
- and.l d0,d6 ; d6 = 0b0r
- and.l d2,d7 ; d7 = 0j0z
- eor.l d6,d0 ; d0 = a0q0
- eor.l d7,d2 ; d2 = i0y0
- lsl.l #2,d6 ; d6 = b0r0
- lsr.l #2,d2 ; d2 = 0i0y
- or.l d2,d0 ; d0 = aiqy
- or.l d7,d6 ; d2 = bjrz
- move.l a5,d7 ; d7 = 0x0x
- move.l a5,d2 ; d2 = 0x0x
- and.l d1,d7 ; d7 = 0b0r
- and.l d3,d2 ; d2 = 0j0z
- eor.l d7,d1 ; d1 = a0q0
- eor.l d2,d3 ; d3 = i0y0
- lsl.l #2,d7 ; d7 = b0r0
- lsr.l #2,d3 ; d3 = 0i0y
- or.l d3,d1 ; d1 = aiqy
- or.l d2,d7 ; d3 = bjrz
- move.l a6,d2 ; d2 = 0x0x
- move.l a6,d3 ; d3 = 0x0x
- and.l d0,d2 ; d2 = 0b0r
- and.l d1,d3 ; d3 = 0j0z
- eor.l d2,d0 ; d0 = a0q0
- eor.l d3,d1 ; d1 = i0y0
- lsr.l #1,d1 ; d1 = 0i0y
- or.l d1,d0 ; d0 = aiqy
- move.l d0,-4-plsiz*1(a1)
- add.l d2,d2
- or.l d3,d2 ; d1 = bjrz
- move.l d2,-4-plsiz*2(a1)
- move.l a6,d3 ; d3 = 0x0x
- move.l a6,d1 ; d1 = 0x0x
- and.l d6,d3 ; d3 = 0b0r
- and.l d7,d1 ; d1 = 0j0z
- eor.l d3,d6 ; d6 = a0q0
- eor.l d1,d7 ; d7 = i0y0
- lsr.l #1,d7 ; d7 = 0i0y
- or.l d7,d6 ; d6 = aiqy
- move.l d6,-4-plsiz*3(a1)
- add.l d3,d3
- or.l d1,d3 ; d7 = bjrz
- move.l d3,-4-plsiz*4(a1)
- add.w #32,a0 ;;4c
- cmp.l a0,a2 ;;4c
- bne.w secondsweep ;;6c
- ;300
- .exit: movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
- rts
- **************************************************************************
- section copdata,data_c ;Must be in chip
- copperlist: dc.w bplcon0,%0000000000010000 ;8 bitplanes
- dc.w diwstrt,11393
- dc.w diwstop,11519
- dc.w ddfstrt,56
- dc.w ddfstop,208
- dc.w bpl1mod,0
- dc.w bpl2mod,0
- dc.w $1dc,$0 ;Ställer om till ntsc
- dc.w $f201,$ff00 ;För fullskärm..
- dc.w bplcon0,%0000000000000001
- pal1: incbin 'coding:asm/koder/bump/bin/pal3.cop'
- b_planes: dc.w bpl1pth ;bitplane 1
- p1h: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl1ptl
- p1l: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl2pth ;bitplane 2
- p2h: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl2ptl
- p2l: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl3pth ;bitplane 3
- p3h: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl3ptl
- p3l: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl4pth ;bitplane 4
- p4h: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl4ptl
- p4l: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl5pth ;bitplane 5
- p5h: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl5ptl
- p5l: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl6pth ;bitplane 6
- p6h: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl6ptl
- p6l: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl7pth ;bitplane 7
- p7h: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl7ptl
- p7l: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl8pth ;bitplane 8
- p8h: dc.w 0
- dc.w bpl8ptl
- p8l: dc.w 0
- dc.w $ffff,$fffe ;End of CList
- **************************************************************************
- section arrays,bss_c
- _GfxBase: ds.l 1
- old_cop: ds.l 1
- screen: ds.l 1
- **************************************************************************
- section other_arrays,bss
- chunky ds.l 1
- normals: ds.l 1
- **************************************************************************
- section datavars,data
- graphics_name: dc.b 'graphics.library',0
- bmap: incbin 'bumpmap.raw'
- lightsrc: incbin 'lightsource.raw'
- **************************************************************************